Sunday, May 24, 2009

The Rolling Hills of Cramlington

Another attempt at making use of the noise() function.

ß e n

* The Rolling Hills of Cramlington - v1.0.

int kWidth = 800 ;
int kHeight = 400 ;

int kPlanes = 8 ;
int kHorizon = kHeight / 2 ;

void setup()
size( kWidth, kHeight ) ;
colorMode( RGB, 1.0 ) ;
smooth() ;

void draw()
background( 1.0 ) ;

// Animate using the current time.
float m = millis() * 0.01 ;

// Draw planes of hills/mountains.
for ( int i = 1 ; i <= kPlanes ; ++ i )
// Front planes scroll faster than abck planes.
float t = m * 1.6 * i ;

// Work out the baseline for the mountian range.
float startY = kHorizon + kHeight * i / kPlanes ;

// Scale the noise according to the plane.
// Front planes are stretched horizontally and .
float nx = i * 0.2 ;
float hrzScale = (kPlanes - i + 1 ) * 0.001 ;
float vrtScale = kHeight * ( i ) / kPlanes ;

// Fade planes from white to grey.
float whiteness = 0.95 - ( 0.95 - 0.2 ) * ( i - 1 ) / ( kPlanes - 1 ) ;

stroke( whiteness ) ;

// Draw this plane of moutnians.
drawNoise( t, nx, hrzScale, vrtScale, startY ) ;

// Draw a mountain range using th noise() function.
// t controls the horizontal poisiotn of the mountian range
// nx selects which mountian range
// hrzScale controls how fast the mountains change height horizontally
// vrtScale scales the height of the mountains
void drawNoise( float t, float nx, float hrzScale, float vrtScale, float startY )
beginShape( LINES ) ;

for ( int i = 0 ; i < kWidth ; ++ i )
float v = t + i ;

float h = vrtScale * noise( v * hrzScale, nx ) ;

vertex( i, startY ) ;
vertex( i, h ) ;

endShape() ;


monkstone said...

Now that's a bit more like art. A surprisingly restrained pallete, given your previous contributions...

lazydog said...

I'm working on the disco version...

ß e n

John Wilson said...

The perlin function is very useful. I'm about to do a lunar lander clone and can use it for generating landscapes. I've lifted up the Java Perlin source from so I can port it to Lua!

Regards - John

lazydog said...

It's the Rolling Hills of Mare Imbrium at the moment.

Unknown said...

im looking for ben im local and need some help with objective c and c++ conversion. sorry to spam its the only way i could find you



lazydog said...

Hi Saul

No problem.

I'm not sure how much help I can be if at all. Feel free to email me more details if you like and I'll see if it is something I can help with though at the moment I am very busy.

b e n