More experiments with image recursion. This one plots the central flower and the then uses the window as a background texture for the four quadrants - with reflections. The texture is drawn slightly faded which increases each time the background feeds back into itself.
ß e n
// Jim v1.0.
import processing.opengl.*;
// Dimensions of screen.
int kWidth = 640 ; //480 ;
int kHeight = 480 ; // 320 ;
// Dimensions of texture.
// For fast PCs reduce or remove the denominator.
int kTextureWidth = kWidth / 2 ;
int kTextureHeight = kHeight / 2 ;
// Used to store the current frame buffer as a texture.
PImage history ;
void setup()
size( kWidth, kHeight, JAVA2D ) ;
colorMode( RGB, 1.0 ) ;
smooth() ;
history = createImage( kTextureWidth, kTextureHeight, RGB ) ;
void draw()
float t = millis() * 0.0001 ;
pushMatrix() ;
// Draw the texture to the 4 quadrants with
// reflections in horizontal and vertical reflection transforms.
image( history, 0, 0, kWidth /2, kHeight / 2 ) ;
scale( -1.0, 1.0 ) ;
image( history, - kWidth, 0, kWidth /2, kHeight / 2 ) ;
scale( - 1.0, -1.0 ) ;
image( history, 0, - kHeight, kWidth /2, kHeight / 2 ) ;
scale( -1.0, 1.0 ) ;
image( history, - kWidth, - kHeight, kWidth /2, kHeight / 2 ) ;
popMatrix() ;
// Fade the background a bit.
fill( 1, 1, 1, 0.25 ) ;
rect( 0, 0, kWidth, kHeight ) ;
// Draw a flower like object.
translate( kWidth/2, kHeight/2 ) ;
fill( noise(t,0), noise(t,1), noise(t,2) ) ;
ellipse( 0, 0, 100, 100 ) ;
rotate( t * 3.0 ) ;
for ( int j = 3 ; j >=0 ; j -- )
fill( noise(t*0.3,0,j), noise(t*0.3,1,j), noise(t*0.3,2,j) ) ;
int petals = ( j + 1 ) * 8 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < petals ; ++ i )
pushMatrix() ;
rotate( 2.0 * PI * i / petals ) ;
ellipse( 30.0 * j, 0, 30.0*j, 10 * j ) ;
popMatrix() ;
// Use the current frame as the texture for the
// mirror in the next frame.
history.copy( get(), 0, 0, width, height, 0, 0, kTextureWidth, kTextureHeight ) ;
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